My story

I am pastor

to believers

and to doubters,

to unfaithful Christians 

and faithful atheists.

I’m Pastor Adam.

There are only two definitions of God in the New Testament. They are both found in a letter called First John. The first definition is “God is light and in him there is no darkness at all” (1:5). And the second is “God is love” (4:8). These two definitions that the early Christians learned from Jesus are what guide my theology.

Why Christianity Is Not About Being Good

I just want people to know that God loves them. And so when it comes to religion, I want to cut through all the b.s. According to Jesus, the true God desires mercy and *not* sacrifice (Matthew 9 and 12).

When we start sacrificing and excluding others, we aren’t following God.

When we treat others with mercy and love, including those we call our enemies, then we know we are doing what God desires.

My favorite things include cookies, coffee, naps, the Bible, and mimetic theory – not necessarily in that order. Along with my second child, I am a poom belt in Taekwondo and I plan to punch through ten boards by next week.

Just remember, no matter what any religious person has told you, God loves you more than you will ever know.

Media Mentions

November 16, 2024

Karla's Daily Draw

Question: How might I best practice self-care today?

Fortunately, as an adult, I was able to find the progressive Christian movement and one pastor in particular, Adam Ericksen, who preaches at the Clackamas United Church of Christ in Clackamas, Oregon. Through him, and through this movement, I’ve been able to understand the Bible as an allegory about love, and about how God is Love, and humans, in all their dumbassedness, keep missing the point by abstaining from sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll and thinking they’re holy.

July 14, 2024

Scoop Upworthy

Oregon church puts out the most hilarious and inclusive messages

Pastor Adam Ericksen is on a mission to challenge what you think you know about religion. He Explains, “Jesus was most critical of those who used religion as an excuse to marginalize others. We are merely seeking to follow Jesus in the best way we can.”

May 20, 2024

Scoop Upworthy

Oregon church puts out the most hilarious and inclusive messages

Since taking the reins a few years ago at Clackamas United Church of Christ in Milwaukie, Oregon, Pastor Adam has been spreading the original, inclusive message of Christ far and wide through slightly unconventional notes he leaves on the outdoor church marquee.

June 26, 2023

Bored Panda

This Church Is Going Viral For Their Openness And Their Sign Game Is Epic (30 New Pics)

If you’ve ever been to a Christian church, you’re likely familiar with the standard lessons they teach. But it’s not every day that pastors also address xenophobia, transphobia, police brutality and various refugee crises. The Clackamas United Church of Christ in Milwaukie, Oregon, however, doesn’t shy away from any of these topics.

January 8, 2023

Newsweek         Oregon church puts out the most hilarious and inclusive messages

Pastor Adam Ericksen is on a mission to challenge what you think you know about religion. “Jesus was most critical of those who used religion as an excuse to marginalize others. We are merely seeking to follow Jesus in the best way we can.”

April 2, 2020

USA TODAYUSA TODAY        Is coronavirus God’s will? Jewish, Christian and Muslims leaders debate tough questions amid pandemic

Faith leaders (including Adam Ericksen) are fielding questions about whether coronavirus is God’s will, if God created it and if it’s some sort of punishment for sin.

August 17, 2019

Newsweek       A Stripper and Pastor in Oregon Team Up to Raise Money for Children in Wake of Mississippi ICE Raid

A stripper at a well-known Portland vegan strip club and a local Christian pastor have linked up and joined forces to raise money for the children of families targeted during an immigration raid in Mississippi poultry processing facilities.

May 29, 2019

Newsweek       ‘God Loves You Just The Way She Made You’: Oregon Church Goes Viral With Pro-LGBT Roadside Signs

Thousands of social media users have been drawn to the progressive political messages being shared by a church in Milwaukee, Oregon, showing support for Muslims, African Americans and the LGBT community.

January 2019

deMilked        30 Wholesome Signs By The Clackamas United Church of Christ

The pastor invites people of all races, religions and sexual orientations to his church and is actively spreading the message that God loves everyone through his wholesome church signs.

October 10, 2017

SojournersPence’s Walk-Out: Following Christ, or Following Trump?

Mike Pence is following President Trump, but he is utterly failing at following Jesus. Mike Pence’s actions during the football game had nothing to do with the love and justice Jesus calls his followers to strive for.


Heretic Happy Hour Episode 234

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