Jesus Is Woke. And That’s Good News.

While some people view the term “woke” as a liberal talking point, Pastor Adam proclaims as good news that the Bible and Jesus are woke.
Did Jesus Actually Promote Violence? – Not Peace, But the Sword

People use Jesus’ statement, “I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.” to justify violence. Pastor Adam debunks this misinterpretation.
When It’s Faithful To Not Be Thankful

Since history proves violence does not defeat terrorism, Pastor Adam cites authorities who offer humanity’s only hope to defeat terrorism.
What The Bible Really Says About Other Religions

Pastor Adam reveals what the Bible really says about other religions using Scripture passages from throughout the Bible.
The Key to All Christian Theology

Pastor Adam reveals the key to all Christian theology is not the Bible. It’s the Word of God made flesh, Jesus.
Deconstructing John 3:16 with Nonviolent Atonement

Pastor Adam explains how God’s enduring love alters our understanding of the atonement from violent to nonviolent.
Transformation: The Power of Nonviolence to Change Our World

On September 27, 2022, Pastor Adam presented at the Global Summit of Humanity Rising. The summit’s theme was Transformation: The Power of Nonviolence to Change Our World: The Legacy – Jesus, Gandhi and King – Nonviolence Through the Ages. Adam’s talk, “Girard, Jesus, and Gandhi: Toward Nonviolent Love in Action”, focused on René Girard’s mimetic […]
Deep Dive: Unlearning Christian Homophobia

This is part of my Deep Dive series into religious hot topics. For more deep dives, check out my resources page. Introduction: Unlearning Christian Homophobia Some people claim that Christians who are open and affirming of our LGBTQIA siblings are so in spite of what the Bible says. That is false. We are open and affirming […]
Deep Dive: Unlearning the Bible

This is part of my Deep Dive series into religious hot topics. For more deep dives, check out my resources page. Introduction: The Most Important Thing You Need to Unlearn about the Bible The Bible is the highest selling book in human history. According to Wikipedia, Guinness World Record stated in 1995 that five billion […]
The Top 3 Things You Need to Unlearn About The Bible

The Bible elicits strong emotions for almost everyone. For some, it fosters feelings of awe, reverence, and devotion. For others it brings feelings of shame, harm, and spiritual abuse. After all, the Bible has inspired great acts of love through people like St. Francis, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King, Jr. But it has also […]