Vengeance is Mine – Or Is It?

Vengeance is Mine - Or Is It?

Pastor Adam examines God’s vengeance appearing throughout the Bible and discovers examples of God’s forgiveness and mercy.

Jesus and the Pursuit of Justice

Jesus and the Pursuit of Justice

Many Christians claim that Jesus didn’t care about politics or justice. Their claim runs like this: Jesus only cared about your eternal soul. The thing that mattered to Jesus more than anything else is that you repent of your sins so that you can go to heaven when you die. And so, this idea claims, […]

The Top 5 Ways Jesus Dealt with Conflict

You probably know Jesus as the Prince of Peace, but you might also know him as the Prince of Conflict. That’s right. Unlike me, who runs as fast as I can away from conflict, Jesus seems to have entered right into the fray. He also provides some pretty good advice about how to deal with […]