Scripture: Isaiah 52:7-10 and John 4:24-29

The prophet Isaiah claims that "all the earth shall see the salvation of God." But what does that mean in the face of climate change? In this sermon, Pastor Adam talks about the dangers of climate change and why Christians have an important role to play in caring for God's good earth. For God so loved the world, and so should Christians love and care for the world by dealing with the dangers of climate change.

This sermon series is based on Rev. Dr. Wilda Gafney’s lectionary series titled A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church. You can purchase Dr. Gafney’s lectionary series of books. I have found it to be a wonderful resource for preaching, study, and spiritual depth.

While I am the Executive Director of the Raven Foundation where we seek to heal our image of God and of ourselves, I’m also the Pastor at Clackamas United Church of Christ. You can worship with us on our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel at 8:30a PT and on campus at 10:30a PT.